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High Noon - April 5th
The U Of M Diag

Event Info

The Ann Arbor Hash Bash


Hash Bash Is A Free Cannabis Rally Held Annually During The First Saturday in April At Noon On The University Of Michigan Diag in Ann Arbor, Michigan. Featuring Guest Speakers, Music, Poetry, Activism, Art And Beyond There Is No Other Event Like The Ann Arbor Hash Bash


Hash Bash Location

Info Links
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Will We See You At Hash Bash 2025?


2025 Guest Speakers And Music Lineup

~Guest Speakers~
Tommy Chong

Jamie Lowell

Adam L. Brook

Leni Sinclair

Kevin Pybus

Jim Salame

Trish Matson

Josey Scoggin

Ryan Bringold

Amie Carter

Rick Anstiss

Mikal Goodman

Dr. Detroit (Mike Witty)

Michael Thompson

Eli Savit

Chuck Ream

Rich Birkett

Brad Forrester

Thomas Lavigne

Missy Jekel

Sheriff Alyshia Dyer

Leaha Dotson

Senator Jeff Irwin

Adam Rosenberg

Richard Clemente

Paul Tylenda

Representative Wilson Jr.

Debbie Dingell

More TBA

~Music Lineup~

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Laith Al-Saadi

Cosmic Knot

And More TBA

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What Is Hash Bash?

Taking place annually on the first Saturday of April high noon at the University of Michigan Diag, Hash Bash began as a protest to raise awareness for the unfair arrest and sentencing of John Sinclair. John was sentenced to 10 years of prison for two joints in 1969.

The news about John receiving such a harsh sentence for such a harmless crime quickly spread around the world. Many came together at the University Of Michigan to rally against the unreasonable laws and the event brought the likes of many musicians and activists including John Lennon who debuted his new song, "It Ain't Fair John Sinclair" during the event.

Through the efforts of Leni Sinclair and the rally at the U of M the State Supreme Court of Michigan took notice and decided to change the law that led to John's arrest allowing a small gap of time where cannabis was suddenly legal in Michigan. 

The first Hash Bash was held on April 1st 1972 at the U of M Diag as a reaction to that ruling of the Supreme Court. Since then the event has grown into infamy.

With thousands gathering to protest annually at Hash Bash the event helped legalize medical and recreational cannabis in Michigan and sparked a movement that is still growing around the world to this day.

With cannabis legalized in Michigan the focus has shifted to raising awareness for federal decriminalization, ending the war on drugs, legalizing entheogenic substances and standing in solidarity through Counter Culture to express our fundamental American rights of Life, Liberty and the Pursuit Of Happiness.

Partnering up with Great Lakes Expungement Network the Hash Bash Organization now helps raise funds to expunge the criminal records of those effected by the war on drugs. Great Lakes Expungement works tirelessly to expunge records for FREE to help people with former convictions get their lives back on track. 

John Sinclair


There Are Two Other Cannabis Events That Also Take Place In Ann Arbor During Hash Bash Weekend

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The Hash Bash Cup Held At The Wyndham Garden Hotel  Is A Separate Event That Runs All Weekend And Requires Tickets


The Monroe Street Fair Is A Vendor Market Held On The Opposite Side Of The Campus And Is A Separate Event From Hash Bash

Where's The After Party?

After Party
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The Mac Podz Host Their Annual Hash Bash After Party
Saturday April 5th - 10pm At The Blind Pig


Hash Bash Organization Is Proud To Partner With Great Lakes Expungement Network. Helping restore people's lives that were effected by the war on drugs, Great Lakes Expungement has helped thousands of people change their lives for the better. 

The Impact Made By Great Lakes Expungement 

Over $6M

Given Out In Legal Care



Founded 2021

5 Years Of Helping The Community


Raised In The Past 2 Years


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